A huge blank wall could be a tough task to cope with. It could be stressful to choose what you like to have on your wall – the variety of cool ideas is striking. In fact, there is nothing to stress about. Think of your empty wall as a blank canvas that allows you to express your inner artist-self, make your space more personal and feel like you.

Here are some ideas that you could like. From simple tips on a budget to a massive transformation – you are sure to find the perfect solution for your new interior.

wall arts

1. Wall Art

Wall decoration is something that increases the stylishness of any interior design. Having an appealing piece of art hanging on a wall is a great way to add color and set a certain mood. A gallery wall or a combination of artworks would look awesome on a large wall. Combine different prints, arrange them by color or theme and enjoy the renewed space.

As for the themes, the popular ones are cityscapes, landscapes, and abstract work. Cityscape is a magnificent addition to a contemporary apartment, a landscape, such as a sunflower wall decor, turns space into a peaceful corner; abstract theme adds some drama and freshness to the interior.

2. Mirrors

When you have no idea how to refresh the space you are living in, hang or lean on a mirror. Mirrors add light and reflect. That’s why you should keep in mind to keep a reflecting zone clean and bright because a mirror doubles it.

A huge wall with one large mirror looks dramatic. But you can be creative about your space and get mirrors of different sizes – mix and match. Vintage frames combined with modern and new would give you the eclectic look your guests will like for sure.

Among other trending themes are the following ones: maps, geometry, minimalist drawings, and personalized items.

3. Add some shelves

Modern furniture could be pure artwork itself. This is convenient, especially if you have lots of things in your house. Installing a shelf on a huge wall is beneficial in many ways.

Firstly, you can use shelves to store your personal belongings, and secondly, you can use them for decorative purposes. With the help of shelves and their line direction, you can also change the visual perception of a room. If your room is wide, you can install shelves with an accent on vertical lines. For narrow and tall rooms it is better to add some horizontal lines to balance the look.

Think about local stores and purchase something designed for your interior. You can also make it an accent piece of your interior – highlight it with a bright color.

4. Display Your Hobbies

Your home is the reflection of who you are. Having a space arranged to your liking is not a whim, it is a basic need. Being surrounded by the things you like allows you to be closer to your true self and get inspiration from the things you adore. And an empty wall is a perfect way to display your hobbies and show your preferences.

Music fans or musicians can share their musical instruments hanging them on walls. Whether it is a guitar or a collection of them, it surely motivates you to practice more often. The same thing goes for other music-related stuff, vinyl plates, cassettes, or drumsticks from your last gig could make a great change.

Travelers would be glad to have a physical map where they can pin the visited places. Complement a map with a box where you can collect different entry tickets or boarding passes.

People who enjoy reading can finally install shelves and gather the library of favorite books. Those who enjoy watching movies can create a functional space by installing a projector which is cool to have while having friends at home.

No matter what your hobby is, what’s important is that you can use the empty wall to show your talent and get a constant reminder of your passions.

5. Oversized Hanging

This is probably the first thing that comes to your mind when you are dealing with a huge wall. But oversized hanging could be in different forms and options. You can get a 5 piece canvas art, which is not boring as an oversized wall decoration.

Tapestry or a rug is another decorative solution if you want to add a bohemian vibe, create a space where you can rest with your friends. Want to add a natural element? Bring in a huge macrame designed for your wall. Local ornaments, and colors that could be seen from your window and you’ll create a cohesive and balanced design.

6. Organizers and calendars

If you are a person who loves to be organized and value each minute, hanging some huge organizers and decorative calendars might be a good idea. This is especially useful when your working area has a large blank wall – you can hang a corkboard where you can pin notes and ideas coming into your head. To boost your creativity, you can install a chalkboard or a whiteboard where you can draw a thing or two. Such an addition to your interior is both brilliant and functional. It is a perfect start for a kid to express their talent, draw and improve skills and as well.

7. Utilize Different Materials

There is a great number of things you can hang on a wall and they look artsy. These are the things you have not even realized you could use for decorative purposes. A bright example is woven baskets. This is a natural addition to a space that sets a relaxing mood. A couple of vintage plates from your granny collection could be used as decor as well – give a rural touch to your modern apartment and get a reminder of rich family history.

If you are tired of standard canvases and paper prints, you can hang something unique. Metal art is a great complement to any space. Depending on your home style, you can choose a simple or minimalist design. Wood art is another great idea, it invites nature inside your house. Both metal and wood art are great in adding dimension and interest to the interior.

8. Get a Mural

For someone, this may seem extra, but those who adore art will like the idea. Contact local artists and ask to draw something special at your apartment or house. A one-of-a-kind painting creates a wow effect. It is a kind of art that attracts your attention and catches the eye.

A large wall gives you a unique opportunity to bring a special decorative complement to your space. Get inspired with these ideas and start transforming your interior.