Your garden will need a little bit more TLC to help it thrive during the winter. Putting that little bit of extra care during the winter will help it come up looking even more beautiful in the springtime. Here are some of our top tips for taking care of your garden during the harsh colder months.
Protect Your Plants
It is so important to keep vulnerable plants in your garden by potting them up and taking them indoors. You should keep them in a shed and wrap them up to protect them against frost. You may also want to think about supporting plants, small trees from harsh winds with twine and a support system.
Rake Up Fallen Leaves
It can be extremely tempting to leave fallen leaves all over the gardens and on paths during the winter. It is so important to keep the garden clean and accessible by regularly cleaning your pathways and garden spaces. Pop any of the leaves and other debris in a composter which you will then be able to use the soil when spring arrives.
Look After The Soil
To prevent the winter weather damaging the soil you may want to consider adding raised flower and plant beds to your garden. These will give you more control over the soil during the colder months.
Be sure to keep an eye on the soil’s pH levels. If it is too acidic, adding lime will help balance it out. Also, consider using mulch to help insulate your plants by keeping the soil warm and moist.
Look Out For Wildlife
Every garden benefits from an ecosystem of insects, birds and other wildlife. You can give them helping hand during the colder months by leaving out feeders for birds and birdbath. You may even catch other animals using it as a water supply.
Even during the winter months, the garden is maintained, a lot of homeowners still look for homes in the winter and a messy garden can be a huge turn-off. Investing in your garden can raise your property’s value by an average of £2,500 which is a big incentive for getting out your gardening gloves this winter.
Clear Out Compost Bin
The autumn clear up of borders and vegetable plots always generates a lot of plant material for your compost heap. Now is the ideal time to clear out last year’s compost and use it around the garden, making room for this year’s waste.
If your compost isn’t quite ready, turn it to improve decomposition and create a new heap next to it for fresh organic matter. You can never have too much compost.
Net Ponds
Decomposing leaves can turn your pond water foul block filters on pumps. Save time and effort later, by catching falling leaves before they even hit your pond. Spread a fine mesh net across the pond and pin it down with bricks. Remove any leaves that fall onto it and add them to your lead mould bin or compost heap.
Make Sure To Maintain Your Garden Equipment
Before you store your lawnmower away at the back of the shed for the winter, it’s well worth sending it for a service to ensure that it’s in perfect condition when you need it next spring. Shears and secateurs need sharpening, do this yourself or send them away if you prefer, whilst other tools such as spades, forks and other tools benefit from a good washing.
Dry everything thoroughly and oil metal parts to prevent rust. Wooden handles can be cleaned and protected with linseed oil, but do dispose of rags carefully as linseed can combust as it dries.
Now your autumn garden is clean and ready for winter. Not only will the view from your home be gorgeous but you will have a head start when spring arrives and it’s time to start growing again.
Written By Sarah Wirth
Sarah works as a digital marketing expert at Wring Builders Merchant Bristol and has a passion for plants and garden which has been hereditary through her father, who has loved the outdoors from a young age.